Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What are the six crystal forms? Name one mineral for each form.

Cubic: Halite

Tetragonal: Wulfenite
Hexagonal: Beryl

Orthorhombic: Arogonite

Monoclinic: Orthoclass
Triclinic: microline

Friday, August 22, 2008

What is the best renewable resource?

Personally, i think there is no one best renewable resource. Each resource has it's own advantages and disadvantages. Whatever resource is best depends on where your using it. For example, if it's very windy at a certain place, wind power is the best resource. If it's always sunny, like in California, solar power is a much beter chose. The best resource depends on the location.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Which is your fav. map projection?

Personally, the Gnomic map projection is my favorite. It's usually hard to acurrately see the two poles on a map, but the Gnomic makes this simple. Thus, this map can show stuff the other map projections can't acurrately show. Plus, it shows other areas good too. This makes the Gnomic map projection the best map possible.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blog Question

Meteorology is my favorite part of earth science. I am always fascinated by the weather and I love to learn about it.