Friday, October 24, 2008

Green House Effect

1. The greenhouse effect is when many pollutants get stuck in the Earth's atmosphere, thus trapping UV rays and stopping them from reflecting back to space, thus making Earth hotter.

2. The three most common greenhouse gases are flourocarbons, carbon dioxide, and methane.

3. Greenhouse gases are produced when animals exhale and when humans burn coal/oil and when we deforest the earth.

4. Greenhouse gases affect us because they affect our climate.

5. The Greenhouse effect is good when left alone, for if they didn't exist, an ice age might occur. When humans interfer, however, the climate is messed up and that is bad.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Offshoe Oil Drilling

1. Offshore oil drilling is the act of drilling for natural resources, usually oil, off the coast and in the water.

2. Offshore drilling is good because it allows us to get more oil.

3. Offshore drilling is bad because it polutes the surrounding water.

4. Personally, I feel that offshore drilling is bad because it damages the surrounding ecosystem, which is extremely hard to fix.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


1. We should recycle paper because it saves trees and energy. We should recycle glass, plastic, and metal because it saves energy and minerals.

2. It is better to reuse something than to recycle it because reusing it doesn't use any energy.

3. Fayetteville residents can recycle by putting recyclables in their blue recycle bin, then put it near the road.

4. The closest place the school can recycle at is right here, all we have to do is put recyclables out near the road on recycle pick-up day.

5. I can promote recycling by actually recycling and urging my family to do the same.

My Own Review

Personally, I think I deserve an A on my blog. I am up to date and have all my information. My spelling and grammar are also correct. Because of this, I think I deserve an A for my blog. Sadly, however, Mr. Dunn determines the grades and not me, so I don't know what I will get.

Volcano Blog Post

I chose to do my blog post on Mt. Kilauea. This volcano is located in the Pacific Ocean at 19.42°N 155.29°W. The elevation is 4091 ft (1247 m). The volcano is on orange watch. Sulfur dioxide emmisions are high and there is a lava flow.